Tomáš Nigrin | Summer University
Prague Area Studies | Faculty | University

Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.

Tomáš Nigrin studied German and Austrian studies at the Institute of International Studies, Charles University. In 2010 he finished his Ph.D. study. Currently, he is an assistant professor and a research fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. He is the Science Secretary at the Department for German Studies. In 2003/2004 he studied political sciences and history at Freie Universität Berlin. In 2005/2006 he attended one year fellowship at „Studienkolleg zu Berlin“ at Academy of Science in Berlin supported by The German National Academical Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and the Hertie-Foundation (Hertie-Stiftung) and also studied modern history at Humboldt University in Berlin. His main area of interest is Germany and its relations to the Central European region.
Tomáš Nigrin studied German and Austrian studies at the Institute of International Studies, Charles University. In 2010 he finished his Ph.D. study. Currently, he is an assistant professor and a research fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. He is the Science Secretary at the Department for German Studies. In 2003/2004 he studied political sciences and history at Freie Universität Berlin. In 2005/2006 he attended one year fellowship at „Studienkolleg zu Berlin“ at Academy of Science in Berlin supported by The German National Academical Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and the Hertie-Foundation (Hertie-Stiftung) and also studied modern history at Humboldt University in Berlin. His main area of interest is Germany and its relations to the Central European region.








Monographs (selected)
Lizcová Z., Handl V., Kunštát M., Nigrin T., Šmidrkal V., Zelená A., Filipová L., Mlsna P., Thomas O., & Andreas W. (2022). Německo 1989 - 2021 : Úspěchy, problémy a výzvy sjednocené země. Lidové Noviny.
Nigrin T. (2022). The Rise and Decline of Communist Czechoslovakia´s Railway Sector. CEU Press.
Pešek J., Bečka J., Emler D., Filipová L., Kolenovská D., Lach J., Lohmann N., Matějka O., Nigrin T., Svobodný P., & Vykoukal J. (2013). Napříč kontinentem soudobých dějin. Evropská historiografie po konci studené války. Argo.
Nigrin T. (2013). Izolovaný ostrov : Západní Berlín a jeho proměny po stavbě Berlínské zdi. Dokořán.
Chapters in monographs (selected)
Dimitrov M., & Nigrin T. (2023). Integrace imigrantů v Berlíně: od dočasného začlenění k participaci a rovnosti šancí?. Studie k integraci přistěhovalců do německé společnosti (pp. 118-139).
Nigrin T., & Szobi P. (2023). Tschechiens Verkehrssektor. Nationale und europäische Wege. Schlüsselland Tschechien. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Mitte Europas (pp. 289-316).
Articles (selected)
Handl V., Nigrin T., & Mejstřík M. (2023). Turnabout or continuity? The German Zeitenwende and the reaction of the V4 countries to it. Journal of European Integration, 45(3), 503-519. UT-WOS link 
Szobi P., Nigrin T., & Oravec J. (2023). Political Will and Economic Necessity? The Construction of High-Speed Rail Networks in Portugal and East Germany. Národohospodářský obzor, 23(1), 19-34. UT-WOS link 
Szobi P., Nigrin T., & Oravec J. (2023). Political Will and Economic Necessity? the Construction of High-Speed Rail Networks in Portugal and East Germany. Národohospodářský obzor, 23(1), 19-34. UT-WOS link 
Grants (selected)
2020-2023: e-Note. European Network on Teaching Excellence. Erasmus+ Project.
2018–2021 Fast connection of metropolitan regions (Czech Technology Agency TL01000061). Main researcher.
2018–2022 New mobility (EU-project OP VVV). Leader of the Charles University Team.
Bachelor Thesis Seminar
History of Eastern Europe
German Question in International Relations and in the Czechoslovakia´s Foreign Policy
Germany and Austria 1989 - 2008
Contemporary History of the German Speaking Countries
Conversatorium on Contemporary Questions